IMPORTANT NOTE: The Examination will test candidates on the relevant law up to 31 August 2007
Commercial & Company Law
Peter Tashjian
CEO, Institute of Compliance Officers (ICO); Managing Director, Institute of Professional Development (IPD); Former CEO, Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries
Tashjian is the CEO of the Institute of Compliance Officers (ICO), Managing Director of the Institute of Professional Development (IPD) and former CEO of the Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries. Publications include co-editing (with Ted Tyler) the "Hong Kong Companies Compliance Manual" and "Hong Kong Securities Compliance Manual" soon to be published by Sweet & Maxwell Asia (July/October). Tashjian has been teaching commercial law to students and practitioners since 1985, at the University of Technology in Papua New Guinea (1985-1990), City University of Hong Kong (1990-1996) and part-time at the University of Hong Kong since 1991; he is a former adjunct professor of the Australian Graduate School of Management MBA program in Hong Kong. Tashjian has a BS in business from Bentley in Massachusetts (1978), a JD from New England School of Law in Boston (1982) and a MIM from the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona (1984).
Revision Session
Chee Keong LOW
BEc, LLB, Postgrad.Dip in Commercial Law (Monash); LLM (HKU); Advocate & Solicitor (Malaysia); Associate Professor in Corporate Law, School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CK joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong following his admission as an Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in 1992. His primary research interests lie in issues pertaining to corporate governance and the regulatory framework of capital markets on which subjects he has taught and published extensively. He is a member of the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and his research is funded by private sector grants from the CLP Group, Ernst & Young, Noble Group Limited and Tricor Services Limited.
6 November 2007 (Tuesday)
| OLQE Head III Class Schedule |
# With Study Techniques at first 15 minutes
Revision classes include an examination techniques session
Duddell Street Conference Center
Room 1502, 1 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong
Signing in & out at Registration
Registration begins 20 minutes before the start of each session.
Bad Weather Policy
Class sessions will be cancelled if a No. 8 higher tropical cyclone signal or black storm warning is raised within 3 hours before the start of registration or during the session. In the event of cancellation due to bad weather, the session will be re-schedule.
OLQE 2007
Our Speakers
Honourary Consultants
- The Honourable Mr Justice Nguyen
- His Honour Judge Li
- His Honour Judge Chow
- His Honour Judge Carlson
- Mr. Ian Thomas
- Mr. Raymond Wong
- William Kui Po LAM
OLQE Calendar
Examination Dates
Head I 30 October 2007 (Tue) Head II 2 November 2007 (Fri) Head III 6 November 2007 (Tue) Head IV 9 November 2007 (Fri) Head V 14 December 2007 (Fri)
Important Dates |
Closing date for lodging application to sit the 2007 OLQE Examinations
13 Jul 2007 (Fri)
Closing date for registration to sit the 2007 OLQE Examinations
24 Aug 2007 (Fri)
The Examination will test candidates on the relevant law up to
31 Aug 2007 (Fri)
Issue of candidate slips
17-21 Sep 2007
Last date to advise of disability
29 Sep 2007 (Sat)
Last day to withdraw from Examiantion to be eligible for part refund of registration fee
16 Oct 2007 (Tue)
Provisional date for release of the results
31 Jan 2008 (Thu)