OLQE 2020 Head IV
Donald Hoi Tak LAI
Solicitor, CPA, ACA, MHKSI, ACIS, ACS, CIA, CFSA, CGAP, CRMA, CFE, CAMS, LLB (1st Hon), LLM (CFL) (Distinction)
Donald is a solicitor, certified public accountant, chartered company secretary and holds various professional qualifications in accounting, auditing and compliance. Donald earned his first degree in business administration (majoring in accounting) in Canada. While working full-time, he obtained his LLB degree with first-class honours at the City University of Hong Kong and graduated from the LLM program in Corporate and Financial Laws with distinction at the University of Hong Kong. Donald started his career in a Big 4 accounting firm and then spent most of his career in the Securities and Futures Commission. He also had work experience in regulatory compliance in a multinational bank and private legal practice in an international law firm. He is now a manager of the Enforcement Division of the SFC, investigating insider dealing and other market misconducts cases. Donald is specialized in securities law and is a contributor to the 2018 and 2019 editions of the SFO: Commentary and Annotations.
Professional Conduct
Justin Woo
Lecturer, Department of Professional Legal Education, The University of Hong Kong
Justin obtained his various academic qualifications from the London School of Economics (B Econ, M Econ), King's College London (LLB), the University of Hong Kong (PCLL) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (MBA). He was admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong and practiced as a commercial litigator in a number of leading international law firms in Hong Kong, before joining a number of leading global investment banks in Hong Kong, working in the field of regulatory legal and compliance.
Justin has also been teaching the PCLL both on a full-time and part-time basis since 2007 at the University of Hong Kong and the City University of Hong Kong, covering a number of subjects including e.g. Civil Procedure, Legal Drafting and writing, Professional Practice and Management, and Financial Regulatory Practice, to name a few.
Justin joined the Department of Professional Legal Education at the University of Hong Kong as a lecturer in 2016. He currently teaches Civil Litigation, Commercial Dispute Resolution and Professional Practice and Management for the PCLL.
11 November 2020 (Wednesday)
| OLQE Head IV Class Schedule |
# With Study Techniques at first 15 minutes
Revision classes include an examination techniques session
Learning Commons
Room 1602, 1 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong [View Map]
Signing in & out at Registration
Registration begins 20 minutes before the start of each session.
Bad Weather Policy
Class sessions will be cancelled if a No. 8 higher tropical cyclone signal or black storm warning is raised within 3 hours before the start of registration or during the session. In the event of cancellation due to bad weather, the session will be re-schedule.
OLQE 2020
Our Speakers
OLQE Calendar
Examination Dates
Head I 27 October 2020 (Tue) Head II 17 November 2020 (Tue) Head III 19 November 2020 (Thu) Head IV 11 November 2020 (Wed) Head V 14 January 2021 (Thu) Head VI 3 November 2020 (Tue)
Important Dates |
Closing date for applicants for lodging the application to sit the 2020 Examination except for those
16 Mar 2020 (Mon)
Closing date for applicants for lodging the application to sit the 2020 Examination for those applic
29 Apr 2020 (Wed)
Closing date for registration to sit the 2020 OLQE Examinations
7 Aug 2020 (Fri)
Issue of candidate slips
18 Sep 2020 (Fri)
Last date to advise of disability
28 Sep 2020 (Mon)
Last day to withdraw from Examiantion to be eligible for a partial refund of registration fee
15 Oct 2020 (Thu)
Provisional date for release of the results
10 Mar 2021 (Wed)