Desmond Greenwood
Solicitor, Teaching Fellow in the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong; Consultant, Hampton, Winter & Glynn; In-house counsel, Citibank
This is Desmond's 8th year to teach on our OLQE Preparatory Courses.
Professor Michael Wilkinson
Chairman of the Law Faculty Board & Former Head of Department of Professional Legal Education, The University of Hong Kong
Professor Michael Wilkinson BA, LLB (Cantab) is Chairman of the Law Faculty Board and former Head of the Department of Professional Legal Education at the University of Hong Kong. He is a barrister-at-law of the Inner Temple. He specialises in the teaching of conveyancing and litigation and has published books in these areas, including the seminal publications "Hong Kong Conveyancing Law and Practice, 5th Edition" and "Students' Guide to Civil Procedure to Hong Kong, 3rd Edition" Michael has taught Conveyancing on the OLQE courses since their inception.
Alfred Chung Ping CHENG
Barrister-at-law, Alan Leong's Chambers
Alfred read law at the University of Hong Kong and University of Cambridge. He was the Bar Scholar in 2005 and started his practice as a barrister in 2006. His practice mainly involves civil work, concentrating on administrative law, commercial and personal injuries cases. In 2008, he was the research assistant to the Judiciary for the Civil Justice Reform, providing materials for training courses attended by judges and judicial officers.
He has been teaching at the University of Hong Kong as a guest lecturer and a tutor since 2006. He has taught a seminar course in Commercial Law Practice, and has been leading tutorials in Administrative Law. He was also the coach of the HKU team for the Wilhelm C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot for 4 years.
David Cheuk Yin LEUNG
Senior Public Prosecutor, Deputy Section Head of the Appeals Section, Prosecutions Division, Department of Justice
David obtained his LL.B. (Hons.) at the University of Hong Kong in 1989 and his LL.M. in 1996. He was admitted a solicitor in Hong Kong in 1992 and subsequently a barrister in 1998. He worked in a law firm in private practice between 1990 to 1995 and then joined the then Legal Department as a Crown Counsel. He is currently the Deputy Section Head of the Appeals Section, Prosecutions Division, Department of Justice (DOJ), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. David provides legal advices to law enforcement agencies, prosecute criminal trials and criminal appeals.
David has experience in teaching law subjects at the City University, University of Hong Kong and the University of Science and Technology. He has taught Criminal Law, Civil and Criminal Procedure, Civil and Criminal Advocacy and Procedure and Proof in Arbitration. In 2000, David was appointed as an Honorary Lecturer of the Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. He remains an Honorary Lecturer today.
David has conducted workshops and training for the Advanced Legal Education Programmes for the Hong Kong Bar Association and taught on CPD programmes.
Legal publications by David include Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong of the Costs in Criminal Cases Ordinance, Cap. 492 (1997 and 2007), Hong Kong Archbold 2004, a contributor of "Electronic Evidence : Disclosure, Discovery & Admissibility" (May 2007) and a contributor of "Professional Conduct and Risk Management in Hong Kong" (December 2007)
His Honour Judge Tallentire
District Judge, District Court
Judge Tallentire obtained his B.A. (Hons) degree in Law at the University of Nottingham in 1972, and was admitted as a solicitor in 1975.
From 1972 to 1977, Judge Tallentire was a Court Clerk and Solicitor Court Clerk in Nottingham City Magistrates Court. During the period between 1977 and 1980, he was a Deputy Clerk to the Justices, Worksop and East Retford in Nottinghamshire. Then from 1980 to 1988, he was a Clerk to the Justices, Barrow-in-Furness, Lonsdale North of the Sands, and Millom, Cumbria. In his final post in the U.K., he was a Training Officer for staff and Magistrates.
Between 1988 and 1997, Judge Tallentire was a magistrate in Hong Kong. From 1997 until present, he is a principal Magistrate. He has sat on numerous committees of the Judiciary and has on two occasions acted as Chief Magistrate. Since 1993, he has regularly acted as a District Judge and was appointed as District Judge in September 2009.
Since coming to Hong Kong, Judge Tallentire has regularly taught at the University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, and SPACE. He is a professional mentor for the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In addition, he has participated in the Judiciary's in-house training programmes, he has also judged various moots and taught on the CPD programmes.
His legal publications include: Hong Kong Archbold 2004 (as a supervising editor) and a section of 'Court in Time'.
Vincent LUNG
Barrister-at-law, Parkside Chambers
Vincent Lung is a practising barrister in Hong Kong. His main areas of practice are trusts and equity, companies and commercial disputes. Prior to joining the Bar, he was a practising solicitor at Clifford Chance specialising in Banking & Finance, and has experience in syndicated financing, management buyouts and project financing.
He is a part-time lecturer for the LLB program at the University of Hong Kong, teaching equity and trusts. He also conducted CPD talks on minority shareholders protection and various civil justice reform matters.
Julianne Doe
Partner, Hammonds OLQE Head III Examiner in 2003, 2004
Ms. Doe is a Partner with the international law firm of Hammonds. She is a well-known conference speaker whose practice focuses on the corporate finance and commercial areas, and she has acted for financial advisers and companies on a large variety of public company and securities related matters. Such matters include equity issues for flotation of companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, including companies with businesses such as construction, electronics and manufacturing, corporate restructurings, mergers and acquisitions, private placing of public company shares, schemes of arrangement in corporate redomiciliations and rescues, privatisation of listed companies, compliance and regulatory issues within the Hong Kong company and securities regulatory framework including statutory and stock exchange requirements, establishment of financial services and securities business, as well as the restructuring, marketing and operation of various types of investment vehicles.
She has spoken at many seminars organised for banks and other commercial organisations in Hong Kong and mainland China and has written articles published in local and overseas legal journals.
Ms. Doe is a also a member of the Hong Kong Law Society's Securities Committee and a council member of the Federation of Women Lawyers and chairs the Federation's Securities and Finance Committee. She is Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, as well as member of the Law Society's Overseas Lawyers Qualification Examination Panel. Julianne was also an OLQE Head III examiner in 2003 and 2004.
Farzana Aslam
LLB (London), BCL (Oxon); Barrister at Law (Middle Temple); Senior Teaching Consultant, Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
Farzana teaches Civil Litigation, Commercial Litigation and Commercial Law and Practice on the PCLL at the University of Hong Kong. Farzana was called to the Bar in 1993 and practiced from Chambers in London for a period of 7 years (Chambers of James Guthrie Q.C., 3 Hare Court, Middle Temple). In 2001 she joined the in-house legal team at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong as Head of Employment Law for Asia. Farzana has previously taught Commercial Law at the London School of Economics and Company Law on the PCLL course at City University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Dennis Suk Sun CHAN
Dr. Chan was formerly Director of School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to that, he was Associate Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Accountancy (as it was formerly known) of the PolyU. Dr Chan has over 20 years of experience in developing and teaching accounting and finance courses and programmes, as offered to a by local universities in Hong Kong and on the Chinese mainland. In maintaining close links with the professions, Dr Chan has taken up consultancy work and acted as external examiners or committee members for several local professional and regulatory bodies, including the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, CPA Australia, the Hong Kong Securities Institute, the Securities and Futures Commission and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (as it was formerly known).
Amanda Whitfort
Associate Professor, Department of Professional Legal Education, The University of Hong Kong
(Barrister of the High Court of Hong Kong)
(Barrister and Solicitor of the Supteme Court of Victoria and the High Court of Australia)
Former Examiner in Professional Conduct (Head IV) for 8 years
Amanda Whitfort is an Associate Professor in the Department of Professional Legal Education where she has led the Criminal Litigation course on The University of Hong Kong's Postgraduate Certificate of Laws for eight years. She has also taught Professional Practice, Civil Litigation, and Advocacy and both the University of Hong Kong and at the City University of Hong Kong.
She has extensive experience in trial prosecution in Australia where she is admitted to practice as a barrister and solicitor in the Supreme Court of Victoria and the High Court of Australia. In 2005 she was the first local candiate to pass the Hong Kong Bar Association's Qualification Examinations.
She is currently a parctising member of the Hong Kong Bar and a preosecutor on fiat for the Department of Justice in Hong Kong. In 2001 she was awarded the University of London's Convocation Trust Brigid Cotter prize for obtaining the highest aggregate on the external LLM programme.
She is currently chief examiner for The Law Society of Hong Kong's Overseas Lawyer's Qualification Examinations in Criminal Procedure (Head II) and was previously an examiner in Professional Conduct (Head IV), for eight years. Her research interests include criminal justice and administration, environmental law (incuding animal law), and PRC criminal law and procedure.
OLQE 2009
Our Speakers
OLQE Calendar
Examination Dates
Head I 29 October 2009 (Thu) Head II 3 November 2009 (Tue) Head III 6 November 2009 (Fri) Head IV 10 November 2009 (Tue) Head V 15 December 2009 (Tue)
Important Dates |
Closing date for lodging application to sit the 2009 OLQE Examinations
10 Jul 2009 (Fri)
Closing date for registration to sit the 2009 OLQE Examinations
21 Aug 2009 (Fri)
The Examination will test candidates on the relevant law up to
31 Aug 2009 (Mon)
Issue of candidate slips
14-18 Sep 2009
Last date to advise of disability
29 Sep 2009 (Tue)
Last day to withdraw from Examiantion to be eligible for part refund of registration fee
15 Oct 2009 (Thu)
Provisional date for release of the results
1 Feb 2010 (Mon)