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(Webinar via Zoom) Preserving Interests in Property Advanced to Insolvent Persons: Quistclose or Romalpa?
Prof. Steven Gallagher, Professor of Practice in Law, Associate Dean (Academic & Student Affairs), The Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Date: 10 September 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:30pm - 5:45pm
Level: I (Intermediate)
For delegates who have prior knowledge of the subject area
Language: English
Fee: HK$ 1,850
Accreditation: 3 CPD pts (Accredited by The Law Society of Hong Kong)
Ref: L24TP04
Venue: Webinar Course
Presenter's Biography:

Steven Gallagher was awarded a first class LL.B. He was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2006. Steven teaches equity and trusts, property law, and digital technology and law. Steven also teaches a course on art, antiquities, cultural heritage and the law. Steven has presented continuing professional development courses for solicitors in Hong Kong on many topics associated with property. Steven's research interests include equity and the law of trusts, art and cultural heritage law and legal history. He is not a technologist. In 2023, Steven published the first textbook on Digital Technology and Law.

Businesses often extend credit or provide goods subject to later payment. The risk that the recipient of credit is insolvent is not always apparent, but it is an important risk to consider. The law of insolvency is clear, if the recipient goes into a liquidation, usually such creditors are unsecured creditors and, the provider will receive little or no return for their monies or goods. Businesses have often tried to secure their payment by way of contractual provisions purporting to retain an interest in property, whether monies or other. These contractual provisions have met with varied success. This 3-hour seminar will provide an introduction to attempts to preserve interests in property advanced to insolvent persons. The seminar will draw a distinction between the main methods of preserving interests in equity and at common law. The predominant equitable mechanism is by way of a trust which arises over monies provided for a purpose, known as the Quistclose trust. The common law mechanism is the retention of title or Romalpa clause. The seminar will consider how Quistclose trust and Romalpa clauses were developed in equity and at law, when they may be recognized and enforced, and the problems and issues associated with both. The seminar will also consider the theoretical justification for Quistclose trusts and Romalpa clauses and how this justification may explain the differing success of the two.

  • The development of the law of Quistclose trusts and retention of title (Romalpa) clauses;

  • Requirements for the creation of an effective Quistclose trust;

  • Requirements for the creation of an effective Romalpa clause;

  • Legal and practical problems with the creation of Quistclose trusts and Romalpa clauses;

  • Whether monies must be segregated for the creation of a Quistclose trust;

  • Whether Romalpa clauses may extend into mixed products;

  • Academic theories for the enforcement of Quistclose trusts and Romalpa clauses;

  • The future for Quistclose trusts and Romalpa clauses in Hong Kong.

Category: Trust, Succession & Probate
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2:30pm - 5:45pm
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