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Course Details

(Webinar via ZOOM) The Internet, Technology, Intellectual Property Rights and IP Arbitration
Stephanie Wong, Barrister-at-law, Des Voeux Chambers
Date: 14 October 2024 (Monday)
Time: 2:30pm - 5:45pm
Level: I (Intermediate)
For delegates who have prior knowledge of the subject area
Language: English
Fee: HK$ 1,850
Accreditation: (3 CPD Points being applied for - The Law Society of HK)
Ref: L24IP02
Venue: Webinar Course
Presenter's Biography:

Stephanie was called to the Bar in 2016, after obtaining First Class and Dean's List Honours for both her BBA(Law) and LLB degrees at the University of Hong Kong. She was also a Visiting Student at the University of Oxford, where she completed the one-year law programme with First Class results. She went on to obtain an LLM at the University of Cambridge, and graduated with a First in Intellectual Property law. Her practice covers both advisory and advocacy work in civil, intellectual property, competition, and public law. In relation to intellectual property law, Stephanie has been involved in various ongoing trade marks infringement (including opposition proceedings) and passing off, copyright infringement, breach of confidence and trade secrets, as well as patents infringement cases and interlocutory injunctions.

Stephanie is also currently serving as a Member to two Practice Area Committees of the Hong Kong Bar Association, namely the Committees on Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law.

Stephanie is regularly instructed on intellectual property law matters, including opposition proceedings, advice, and appearance in Court.

The Internet and technological advancement continuously shape and impact the development of intellectual property law with new forms of creation (such as NFTs and works created by artificial intelligence), new ways of conducting business, new means of communication, new types of currencies etc.

This course will first explore various interesting issues and questions posed by such advancement to this ever-changing area of law, and how the law reacts to these challenges.

The course will then cover topics relating to IP arbitration, including arbitrability, disclosure, the WIPO Arbitration Rules etc. With the growth of intellectual property creation and commercialisation, there is also an increasing demand for resolution of intellectual property disputes by way of arbitration.

  • Joint liability in intellectual property law
  • Potential liabilities of e-commerce platforms, search engines, and Internet service providers
  • Domain name disputes
  • Implications of artificial intelligence for copyright law
  • IP arbitration
    • Arbitrability
    • The arbitration agreement and jurisdiction
    • Disclosure and request for production
    • The Arbitration (Amendment) Ordinance 2017
    • WIPO Arbitration Rules

  • Recent IP cases update

Category: Intellectual Property
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