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(Webinar via Zoom) Practical and Legal Considerations for Payment into Court under the Trustee Ordinance
Felix T. L. Tang, Barrister-at-law, Courtyard Chambers
Date: 20 September 2024 (Friday)
Time: 2:30pm - 5:45pm
Level: I (Intermediate)
For delegates who have prior knowledge of the subject area
Language: English
Fee: HK$ 1,850
Accreditation: 3 CPD pts (Accredited by The Law Society of Hong Kong)
Ref: L24CP02
Venue: Webinar Course
Presenter's Biography:

Felix was called to the Hong Kong Bar in 2019. Since then, he has maintained a mixed practice in civil and criminal matters, with particular emphasis in areas of commercial, trusts and personal injuries law. Outside of practice, Felix has been a part-time lecturer across various institutions, including being appointed as a lecturer and tutor of the Equity and Trusts module of the Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law at HKU SPACE. He currently serves as the Treasurer on the Standing Committee of Young Barristers and as a member on the Standing Committee of Civic Education at the Hong Kong Bar.

To enable participants to gain insights into the practical and legal aspects of making an application for payment into court under sections 56 and 62 of the Trustee Ordinance (Cap. 29).

The payment into court mechanism under the Trustee Ordinance acts as a legal recourse for trustees who have been unable to deal with the unclaimed assets of their beneficiaries. This commonly occurs when securities brokers are despite repeated attempts, are unable to contact their clients to return the said assets.

Legal practitioners who take on such cases will have to be cognisant of the legal requirements and practical considerations when making such applications to the Court.

The course will cover the following topics:

  • The principles laid down under the Trustee Ordinance and the Rules of High Court/District Court;
  • The Court's discretion and approach in these matters under Re K&R International Ltd [2021] 2 HKLRD 47, Re Joint and Several Liquidators of Bankamerica Nominees (Hong Kong) Ltd [2020] HKCFI 399, among other case law;
  • What steps trustees should take before considering an application;
  • Practical points to consider when preparing the summons and supporting affirmation; and
  • The usual order sought before the Court, and further necessary steps taken subsequent to the order.

Category: Civil Litigation & Procedure
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